


For small scale cases and individuals

Piping Crow Discovery is an e-discovery and electronic data organization company located in the heart of downtown Denver, Colorado.

The founders have worked together for over a decade and a half on a wide variety of discovery, forensics, and legal projects.

About Piping Crow Discovery

Our company was founded by a Discovery expert and a Computer Forensics expert who - over drinks at the Rio one evening - were discussing the expense of litigation discovery and trying to determine a way to allow solo practitioners to benefit from professional collection, hosting, and review services.

The discussion went on to include individuals who might benefit from these services when they lose a loved one or business partner. In fact, there are dozens of reasons individuals might want to have a professional review their family member’s electronics before they do. To name a few;

  • to remove potentially sensitive data such as pornography or erotic photos,
  • to organize and sort information into easy to find folders,
  • or to quickly locate specific items needed for Probate.

Thus Piping Crow Discovery was born.

Legal Document Review Services

We provide document review by licensed attorneys designed to assist you in locating the evidence you need to meet your discovery requirements and manage your case so you can focus on your clients.


  • Referral to forensic collection provider who will assist with keyword searching to efficiently focus the review and reduce overall cost.
  • Referral to a host and review platform that will best pair with your case needs and cost limitations.
  • Creation of review memorandum outlining goals of the review, key issues and documents you are seeking, tags you would like to use during the review, special privilege circumstances, relevancy issues, and any other concerns you or your client have concerning the collection and it’s review.
  • Quality Control review using tag searching and key word searching to verify no items are accidentally released that should be withheld (and vice versa).
  • Regular check ins via email, text, and phone.
Judge Gavel
Black Speech Bubble Recolorable Outline

We work with cases involving as little as a single device!

Personal Data Organization

and Screening Services

Our experienced data reviewers assist you in organizing and sterilizing your devices in a cost effective manner so they can be sold or given to family members and your valuable memories and data can be protected.

This service includes:

  • Referral to forensic collection provider who will assist with creating an exact copy of the data on your device so we can safely look through all of it without changing anything or losing anything.
  • Referral to a low cost hosting and review platform for your data.
  • Discussion with the reviewer and creation of an outline concerning your goals for the review. What do you want to keep, discard, is there a specific set of documents you need to find, or photos you want labeled a certain way?
  • Once you are happy with the data we have reviewed and collected we can send it to you in PDF form, native format, on a thumb drive or in the cloud and we can delete everything from your device allowing you to sell it, pass it on to a family member, etc.
  • You will have regular communications via email, text, and phone.
Black Speech Bubble Recolorable Outline

There’s only so much you want to know about your family members’ browsing habits.

E-Discovery professionals for your litigation, Cleaning professionals for your electronic life.

Contact us for a quote today!

Misty Ewegen Morehead


Your computer, cellphone, laptop, tablet, game system, or other device contains data that may be important to you. We understand the value of your information and treat everything in our care with the utmost privacy and security.